Leben Mein Zuhause

At home – finally

21. August 2016
Coffeetable decorated with a vase full of hydrangea, little wooden sculptures and a candleholder

This Sunday is going to be a special one, I guess. I have been living in this apartment for eight months. Although I arranged most parts of it (except the kitchen, which is still ugly and old) due to my own special taste und needs, it never really felt like a home. Additionally I spent a crazy and useless three-month-period addicted to a hopeless idea, which never could come true. I realized it from the very beginning, but couldn’t resist and had to try the bitter sweet temptation. Of course I failed and it was hard to realize I had invested so much time and emotions in nothing more than an idea.

Anyway, a friend of mine helped me to recover what I am actually looking for and I am so happy about it. It feels like „coming home“ after an exhausting journey and so does my apartment. It is full of sunshine, confidence and courage. I have overlooked these assets for such a long time but now I am going to enjoy them as much as I can. I hope you may call a fantastic place your home as well and may feel the same gratitude as I do. I am finally at home, I am nearly crying. Have a nice Sunday.

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  • Reply Sabine 22. August 2016 at 20:11

    Immer wenn Du einen Blick in Dein Zuhause gewährt hast, dachte ich, dass man sich bei Dir wohlfühlt. Du hast so viele liebevolle Details, die Freude machen, so schöne Plätze in der Wohnung. Ich freue mich, dass Du nun dort angekommen bist.
    Lieben Gruß

  • Reply Anke Hedfeld 25. August 2016 at 10:16

    Liebe Sabine, danke für das Kompliment. Ja, meine Wohnung hat sehr viele schöne Plätze und endlich gestatte ich mir, diese auch zu genießen. Ein sehr schönes Gefühl dieses Ankommen. LG Anke

  • Reply Lumileopardi 28. August 2016 at 18:27

    Hej Anke, das klingt sehr schön, was Du da erlebst (und nicht ganz einfach für Dich). Das Ankommen ist machmal wirklich schwierig und ich freue mich, daß Du es „geschafft“ hast. Viel Freude in Deiner Behausung wünsche ich Dir und ich freue mich auf neue Photos. Lumi

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